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    Master’s Programme in International Relations and Organisations

    Degree Class: LM-52

    Duration: 2 years

    Training Credits: 120 ECTS

    Admission: free

    President: Prof.ssa Francesca GRAZIANI


    The Master’s Programme in “International Relations and Organisations” provides a multidisciplinary educational background focused on inter-state and trans-national relations.
    The first year offers common classes in the traditional fields of international relations, while the second year presents several optional courses allowing students to focus on a specific legal, economic or political- sociological training.
    Curricular and extra-curricular activities (exercises, seminars, simulations, drafting of documents, etc.) are aimed at verifying student’s learning abilities and autonomy of evaluation.
    The Course aims at training young graduates, expert in the field of international political, legal and economic relations. In particular, the Course aims to:
    - offer in-depth study of development processes of international relations from historical, political, legal and economic perspectives;
    - deepen the study of international organizations with special reference to international universal and regional organizations;
    - provide the necessary skills to analyse and manage problems relating to international relations, at bilateral and multilateral levels, as well as to monitor and ensure compliance with legal rules with a view to peaceful coexistence between states, promotion of intergovernmental cooperation and sustainable development respectful for the various socio-cultural realities and traditions;
    - acquire knowledge of macro and micro economic phenomena linked to the progressive globalization of trade and finance;
    - provide interdisciplinary research methods and analytical tools necessary for an adequate and suitable integration in the public and private sectors.



     ERASMUS STUDENTS (incoming)

     Class schedule


     Graduation sessions 

     Courses offered in a.y. 2024/25

          Courses offered in a.y. 2023/24

     Language Pathway - “Rosetta Stone” Platforme


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